Saturday, July 26, 2008

Loving the Giver more that the gift

The name of our blog comes from the meanings of Lilibeth and Eddie's names. Lilibeth's name means "my God is abundance" and Eddie's name means "blessed," therefore, our blog became "My God's Abundant Blessings."

What I never dreamed of when I named this blog, is that God would be teaching me in a whole new way that I need to want Him more than I want His abundant blessings. I've learned more than ever before, what it means and feels like to completely surrender your blessings (in this case my children) to the Lord and trust Him with the outcome.

Through this whole adoption process I have had to trust God completely - with something that I badly wanted to happen. Something that I've dreamed about for years. And the Lord has refined me. You see, my trust is easy to give when things are going my way. But, the Lord has graciously shown me more of what it truly means to hang unto Jesus. The Lord has taught me that He is more satisfying than His gifts, and the lessons learned through pain can also be abundant blessings.


  1. Lessons through the Lord are such a mystery, but knowing that it all makes sense to Him is what gives us peace. Your total surrender to Him inspires me. Continue to keep the faith.

  2. This has truly been a refining process for us Honey and I am thankful that you have responded with surrender rather than rebellion. It's no coincidence that the Bible uses the image of fire to acknowledge that refining is a painful process - but one which hopefully draws out our impurities and leaves us vessels fit for more glorious purposes. I look forward expectantly to see how God is glorified in our family. Jonathan

  3. Jonathan and Sarah,
    You both are a tremendous blessing and inspiration. I still think of you and pray for you almost daily, knowing the Lord not only will be, but already is glorified in your family. Forgive me for at times letting not knowing what to say keep me from at least saying you are certainly a special family, and that you are being prayed for. Thank you for having an authentic faith that continues to say 'Blessed be the name of the Lord' even when much has been taken away. -T


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